Why Are Bath Lifts a Better Option than Walk-In Bathtubs?

When you start to get older or develop mobility problems, it's common for getting in and out of the bath to become a lot tougher. You can start to lack the strength and flexibility to get in and out without discomfort, and moving around with wet feet when you suffer from poor mobility increases the chance of taking a nasty tumble.

With that in mind, you'll probably have considered investing in a walk-in tub. They are taller than a normal bath, and they come with a door and seat. However, one option you might not have considered is the bath lift. These are power operating systems that lower you down into the tub and then raise you back up again, and here are just a few reasons why they're better than walk-in tubs:

Reduced Cost

Firstly, a bath lift is going to be a lot cheaper than a walk-in tub. That might surprise you since the mechanism is more complex, but the great thing about a bath lift is that it can be fitted around your current tub. A walk-in tub is a whole new product, so you'll be spending a lot more. You'll also see the cost of installation rise. A bath lift can be fitted in one day, but fitting a walk-in tub means having your old one removed and the new one put in its place. Since the shape of the tub will be different, you'll probably have to redo the flooring and walls at the same time.

No Waiting

The problem with a walk-in tub is that you have to get in before turning the water on and then wait until the water has drained before you can get back out. This is quite inconvenient, and it can also be quite unhealthy. If the water is too hot at first, you'll scald your feet. Even worse, you'll probably find yourself getting a little cold while you're waiting for all the water to drain. A bath-lift is different because you can get in or out at any time.

Retains the Right Shape

As mentioned above, a walk-in tub is a little shorter and taller than a regular tub because it is made for sitting rather than lying. Most people prefer lying down as their bathe, so it's nice to keep that configuration, especially for other people who might not experience the same mobility problems as you. It should also be easier to sell the house if the bathtub doesn't need to be immediately replaced.

Contact a bathroom renovations team for more information and assistance. 
